Let’s Game!

Steam is a popular digital distribution platform for PC gaming, offering a vast library of games, community features, and social networking services. In this case study, we will explore the redesign of the Steam game software aimed at improving usability, functionality, and overall user satisfaction.

Note: This was a Senior Capstone Assignment

The Problem Statement

The objective of the redesign project was to address usability challenges and enhance the user experience of the Steam game software.

This included improving navigation, simplifying content discovery, enhancing community features, and ensuring compatibility with modern gaming needs and preferences.

The Challenge

  1. Balancing simplicity with comprehensive gaming features and functionalities.

  2. Ensuring compatibility and performance across different hardware configurations and network conditions.

  3. Addressing user privacy and security concerns in online interactions and transactions.


After reviewing the Steam client and gathering feedback, I identified two key priorities for the website: promoting games (integrated into the Steam client) and facilitating users' exploration of their games and personalized recommendations. Both aspects are of equal importance.

“You can do so much more with the client - it’s more personalized than the website” (A large downfall of the website is how impersonal it is)

“The website exists solely to let you download the desktop client” (Issue: The website does not give the other user other reasons to use it)

The website is unattractive (Issue: the website is not visually appealing enough to keep the user’s attention)

The client has all my games - why would I need to use the website? (Issue: User is more interested in accessing the physical games they own, rather than browsing games on the website)

Sketches (low fidelity)

During the initial sketch phase, our team created numerous sketches to address various user problems and use cases. The primary areas of focus were highlighting games and enhancing the "community & me" section, aligning closely with user preferences.

Games showcase

Reviews continuted + Deals/Promotions

Community +”For Me” / Reviews

Game Landing Page + Media lightboxes + Purchase Options

Sketches (high fidelity)

During the initial sketch phase, our team created numerous sketches to address various user problems and use cases. The primary areas of focus were highlighting games and enhancing the "community & me" section, aligning closely with user preferences.

Landing Page

Landing Page Continued


During the initial sketch phase, our team created numerous sketches to address various user problems and use cases. The primary areas of focus were highlighting games and enhancing the "community & me" section, aligning closely with user preferences.


I developed two potential visual themes. The first adopts a classic dark "gaming" aesthetic, creating a mysterious ambiance.
The second theme leans towards neutrality, with a hand-crafted vibe.

Style Guide

I opted for the darker color scheme depicted in the moodboard above.

Considering the user base of gamers and the mysterious ambiance it evokes, I aimed to maintain continuity with the original palette while enhancing the overall look and feel.

Final Design


The success of the redesign project underscored the importance of user-centric design, iterative prototyping, and collaboration with gamers and stakeholders in creating a compelling user experience for the Steam gaming software.

Skills, Tools, and Team Collaboration

Tools: Figma, Photoshop

Team Collaboration: Solo Graduation Capstone Project